I just gave a talk at e-Biosphere ’09 . This was a 15 minute talk to possibly the largest audience I have ever addressed (400ish). Several people asked for copies of the slides so here it is as a PDF.
Why you should care about data standards
The thought of recording audio to go with these slides scares me but perhaps I will do a SlideShare version of this in the future. In the meantime you will have to try and guess what I said by reading the slides. The bit with the sleeping bags is particularly sureal if you don’t have the comentary.
Ellinor Michel (ICZN) came up with an interesting alternative spin on my use of Newton’s “shoulders of giants” – that it was much to do with social competition and class. Newton was not very nice to some people – though this is all the subject of history and therefore revisable.
I’d be grateful for any thoughts/feedback.
For those not in London: The conference centre is directly opposite Westminster Abbey so if you step outside at the right moment it sounds like this: Westminster Abbey Chimes.
As far as I know the audio should be made available on the eBiosphere09 website at some point, as will all of the slides.