I love my photography. Although I enjoy making close-up and landscape images what fascinates me most are portraits of people. I’d like to concentrate on this kind of photography from now on so, as an ice breaker, I have set myself the goal of photographing one hundred different people by the end of 2013. Starting on 26th May that gives me just over seven months. All the successful portraits will appear on this page. There should be 100 by Christmas!
If there is a picture of you here and you want to have a larger copy to print please contact me . If you think your picture looks terrible and you want me to take it down then please contact me and I’ll delete it.
If I have photographed you and your picture isn’t here even after a couple of weeks then my photography probably wasn’t up to snuff and I have decided not to include your picture in the set. I hope I get the chance to photograph you again.
If you would like to pose for me then I’d really like to hear from you. It is going to be tough making it to a hundred people just by photographing immediate friends and family.
I’d like to say a big thank you to all those people who have let me take their photo. It really is much appreciated.
EDIT 6th January 2014: As I type there are 48 portraits in the project so I have failed to make the 100 by Christmas but I intend to continue. You can read more on Goal setting is good – even when you ‘fail’.