Until December 2010 I am employed as the project officer for Work Package 4 of the PESI project. My particular responsibility is the adoption of standards that will facilitate the integration of European, biological taxonomic data. The first deliverable of WP4 is a report on the current state of biodiversity standards and how they apply to PESI. This is very much a scoping document to outline what we need to do. In collaboration with my colleagues in WP4 and the wider project I have now submitted a final version of this document. It is for public consumption and you can read it here: wp41_pesi_standards_report_1_final_version.
(OK so Inula hookeri is not a European native but it is a naturalised alien in the UK and occurs in Euro+Med PlantBase and the picture fell to hand. The flies are probably two male Syrphus – perhaps S. ribesii, S. torvus, or S. vitripennnis – Thanks to Louis Boumans for the det.)