I was back in Grange Cemetery in my lunch break this time with my 8×10 to see if I can do 8×10 dry plates or not. The first attempt was a disaster because I didn’t push my DIY plate holder all the way home and there was a light leak. My second and third were better. This is using emulsion RH5.

Conclusion: 8×10 glass negs are wonderful things and the images do have a different feel even when scanning them.
I see you are using the intrepid 8X10.
Do you have an idea of the ISO for your plates and What is the f and time for example of the above exposure from your living room.
Many thanks in advance.
The ISO is difficult to judge because this emulsion is only sensitive to UV and Blue light whereas ISO (as measured by a light meter) is base on full visible spectrum. Generally I measure with a phone app set to ISO 1 and add a few stops. If I remember right this was f/16 for 90 seconds and probably equivalent of about 0.3 ISO. The tree on the other hand was a few more stops than that because foliage absorbs so much UV.
I’m working towards making orthochromatic emulsions that are sensitive to almost everything but red and also bit faster. If I could make an ISO 5 ortho emulsion I’d be happy.