I have been on core staff at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh for a year now and, as part of my role there, have established a WordPress blog for the institution. This will act as a combined blogging platform for everyone associated with the organisation as well as a more…
Category: Synthesys
Digitisation of European Collections By Country
Following on from my previous post, European Natural History Collections – What’s Missing, it is simple to create a ranked list of countries and an estimate of the number of specimen records they have in GBIF. Countries with a score of zero don’t appear in the list. Country Specimens Spain…
European Natural History Collections – What’s Missing?
I am working on improving the metadata on European natural history collections as part of the Synthesys project. In an earlier post (Big Collections First) I did an analysis of the data in the Biodiversity Collections Index. I am now building a more detailed list of those large collections (the…
Big Collections First
I’ve been slow to blog on my day job recently. Sometimes the dead ends are so embarrassing they are better not shared. One thing worth sharing is a report I did for Synthesys on improving the quality of metadata on Eurorpean biodiversity collections. It includes analysis of the data in…