These trees are the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh were a vivid yellow/green and just a red filter in post process produces this effect. They were spectacular.
Category: Gratitude
Size is important
To encounter something living that is massively larger than you are on your way to nursery but change you.
Faith to get point shoes
I’m doing some clearing out and came across this shot of Faith from a few years ago which triggered more gratitude for eyes and light and children. She’s much bigger now and asking for her first point shoes.
Feather Frost
I can’t remember whether I have seen it before or not but I was walking in the woods by the river Tay when I came across Feather Frost A.K.A Frost Flowers. It looked like people had left little lumps of tissue all over the woodland floor. Wonderful to see. Fascinating…
Brother Steve
My brother Steve came up to visit in October and we had a nice time together for which I’m really grateful. He’d lost weight and was generally feeling and acting a lot more bouncy than over the last few years. We are both looking scarily like our father though.
View from the bathroom window
Something to be grateful for first thing in the morning.
Gratitude Blog?
It is a navel gazing time of year but this year I feel more reflective than usual. I’ll be 50 in less that two months so perhaps it is my perpetual mid life crisis. This is a selfie with my Fujifilm X-M1 and nifty XF27mm f2.8 pancake lens @ f2.8…