My second intentional YouTube video. This time a little more in focus but content just as random.
Category: Photography
Baby Rolleiflex: #6
This is finishing up some Kodak Ektar 100 that was a few years out of date developed in some Cinestill CS41 that was six weeks old and probably coming to the end of its life. I’m shifting back to black and white now. I get my kicks from processing my…
Photographic angst
We are a bunch of social primates. This means we have two biological driving forces. Firstly we want to fit in. We fear being ostracized by the group because that would mean death. Even if we are inveterate loaners we have to negotiate a relationship with society that supplies us…
Baby Rolleiflex: #1
First roll from my Baby Rolleiflex. The world seen in square begins…
Envoy Wide Angle
My brother kindly gifted me an Envoy Wide Angle. This quirky little camera was sold by Ilford in the 1950s. Although it has the same name as the mass market, plastic Ilford Envoy it is a very different camera and relatively rare. It has a diecast metal body and quality,…
I’ve gone 6×17!
Another crazy, impulse purchase has occurred. I bought a Tomiyama Art Panorama 170. The 6×17 format is something I’ve always fancied trying. Having messed about with swing lens cameras of various makes and formats I wondered what it would be like to make really wide, rectilinear panos. The choices to…
Testing times: A modern film calibration process?
I’ve been at this a long time (decades) but I think I finally have enough understanding to get a routine film/developer calibration process running. Thirty years ago I tried to do the full Ansel Adams’ Zone system process with measuring densities above base fog and stuff. I just used to…
Last roll of Kodak Double X (5222)
Double X is movie film stock manufactured since the 1950s and never officially sold for stills. The smallest lengths available are 400 ft reels that cost around £250. It is perfectly feasible, if time consuming, to manually split these down into 36 exposure rolls. You get about seventy from a…
The Goose set aside
There are so many things that I’ve had a play at and not documented. Here is another. Back in 2021 I printed out a WillTravel camera for use with a Fujifilm Instax back – but also an adapter so I could use it with regular 4×5 film. This is what…
Cheap as chips is fun
Back in April I bought a HOLGA 135 Smart 35mm Film Camera from Amazon for the massive sum of £12.95. It was the cheapest reusable camera I’d seen so just had to give it a go. I loaded it up with some Fomapan 100. A 400 ISO film would have…
Walking with friends
Near the end of last year I enjoyed a mindful walk with friends on a local beach. At another time I walked with friends in the woods. Working on film and printing in the darkroom is fulfilling but now it is time to start scanning the prints and sharing them….
Kodak Double-X for Landscape?
I bought half a dozen roles of Kodak Double-X from a guy on eBay who breaks down 250 ft lengths into 36 exposure cassettes. Double-X is a motion picture film that has been produced since the 1950s. Most recently it has been used by Christopher Nolan for the black and…
Breaking into 2024
I went to the local cemetery to break the block I inevitably develop over the Christmas and New Year period. It is so dark here. First shot of the year with my new favourite camera on a very light weight tripod – more on that another time. Do you spot…
Back to Instagram
I gave up on social media (other than commenting on YouTube videos) a few years ago but have decided I need to loosen up a bit. I still feel the great animosity towards the social media platforms. They are not a benign force. But it is hard to “kick against…
Perpetual golden hour?
My first opportunity for a dedicated photo trip in 2024 was a few hours at Tentsmuir beach after running some errands. The walk was really pleasant and I enjoyed doing some looking but ultimately no exposures were made. It was a typical Scottish winter trip. Theoretically it is golden hour…
Brennan’s Hut at Larachmhor Garden
This shows the ancient magnolia by Brennan’s Jubilee Hut at Larachmhor Garden near Arisaig. It has a colonial feel to it. (Whole plate, emulsion RH28, 2-bath development, flat scan)
Fallen Tree at Larachmhor Gardens
I spent a few days at Larachmhor Garden near Arisaig and made some plates, only two of which I’m happy with. This is the first. (Whole plate, emulsion RH28, 2-bath development, flat scan).
The Victo – a New Year Project
I had a few days off after the Christmas and New Year and couldn’t resit another renovation project. I’d been wanting to have a go at a half plate camera as a smaller and lighter alternative to my whole plate. Half plate is slightly smaller than the ‘modern’ 5×7 inch…
What’s he doing with that old camera?
When I’m out with a plate camera people often stop and ask me what I’m doing. I love to talk about old school photography but am sometimes struggling with light and temperamental equipment and need to concentrate. I’ve therefore had some cards printed with this website address on them. Really…
Sofia 2022 – Render Unto Caesar
I had a week long work trip to Sofia, Bulgaria to attend the TDWG 2022 Conference. Most of the time was spent with colleagues in a conference room or on a trip to Rila Monastery. There wasn’t much opportunity for photography but I took a little Olympus XA2 for day…
Paper Negatives in Two Bath developer
This is a quick note to self. Two bath film developer is designed to control highlights because the developing agent that is absorbed in the first bath soon becomes exhausted in the dense areas when the film is immersed in the second bath containing the accelerator. It occurred to me…
Effective use of single Ilford Multigrade filters
There are loads of YouTube videos out there about split grade printing with Multigrade filters. It is an excellent technique for getting the most out of a negative. But what if you just want to do some quick work prints and don’t have time to mess about with multiple filters…
One dev to rule them all and in the darkness bind them?
A thinking aloud/allowed blog post. I’ve decided I need to rationalise things a bit on the old developer front. Choosing the best developer is a rabbit hole that I’m not keen to fall down. I’ve been reading the film developer cook book and it just depresses me. It can result…
A quick Hill & Adamson retake
I dropped my daughter back at St Andrews University the other day and it gave me the chance to make a reproduction of a Hill & Adamson view. It was very sunny and very busy with tourists – who appear as smears. I’m really getting the itch to go full…
Lacock Abbey 2022
A trip to the West of England gave an opportunity to visit perhaps the most significant location in the history of photography, Lacock Abbey, the family home of William Henry Fox Talbot. I grew up just down the road from Lacock but had never visited. Of course I had to…
Photojournalism is dead
I woke this morning to find the same image used as the lead across three media outlets. This isn’t a one off picture of a burning building or scoop from a war zone but a woman with a fan on a train in London. It is credited to Reuters –…