I have just been introduced to blipfoto.com. A photo journal where you upload an image a day. It has re-kindled my desire to take photos. It will be interesting to see how long it keeps my interest. There appear to be quite a few people who are addicted! I have…
Category: Photography
Contemplative Photography
A friend just introduced me to BuddhistGeek which looks like a wonderful source. I enjoyed listening to this podcast on The Practice of Contemplative Photography – which I would highly recommend. It certainly chimes with how I have felt about my own photography.
Last Weekend @ Bangor
Mixed feelings at the ending of the last weekend of the Bangor Mindfulness course. It doesn’t look like I will continue next year for a whole host of reasons that’ll I will no doubt blog about once I have the assignments out of the way.
2010 Ends Damp and Misty
After the snow was gone. These are some woods in Chilterns in South Buckinghamshire at the closing of the year.
Trying to get a photo blog right
I have been messing around trying to make my blog more photo-friendly – but without much joy. I use Apple Aperture which is integrated with MobileMe and Flickr. I have a MobileMe gallery so I could include images from there but Apple don’t provide an API just a rather inadequate…
Edinburgh Snow
I think I need to look for some photo blogging software. This gallery isn’t that inspiring.
More Relations
These are some of my blood relations in 1906. The two guys on the right hand end of the second row down are Chadwicks and the first guy on the front row is a Nicklin.
DIY Book Scanner: Learn By Doing
In the last weekend of the Christmas break I was sat in Starbucks in Waterstones in Edinburgh considering which of a stack of potential books I was going to spend my Christmas book tokens on. I had just been playing with a Sony eBook reader and so was thinking maybe…
KAP – Another photographic box ticked
You may not have heard of it but Kite Aerial Photography is quite a widespread hobby. It involves strapping a camera to a kite and flying it over something interesting. The camera can be fired remotely or just on a timer. Serious people build complex radio control rigs to move…
Old Boats from Shady Past
Last weekend we got away from the city for the first time this year to camp in Northumberland and visited The Holy Island of Lindisfarne. This is a tourist mecca of an island accessible via a causeway that is only open at low tide. Think of many retired people with…
My First ‘Serious’ Edinburgh Gigapan
View this full screen! This is my first reasonably high resolution Gigapan. It is around 760 megapixel. It was a dark day on Saturday but I am quite happy with the results. You can see this pan along with some of my other efforts on my Gigapan home page. What…
My Maternal Grandparents Wedding
My maternal grandparents were in the Salvation Army. This is their wedding in 1928. It is worth clicking on the image and having a closer look. It is one of those photographs where you feel you can connect with the people in it. I wonder why it has that feel…
Royal Museum of Scotland – as it was in April ’08
Back in April when I knew the RMS was going to close for three years for renovation I decided to do some panoramas to capture its pre-renovation state. As with many projects it reached a set level then sat on my hard drive without being launched. A chance conversation reminded…
St Andrew’s Day Poem
Joscelyn (8 years old) came home with an assignment to write a poem about Scotland because it was near St Andrew’s day. The instructions on what was required were a bit confusing. She has a piece of paper with SCOTLAND written vertically down the edge so each line began with…
View From Scott Monument Zoomified
I wonder if it is more satisfying to zoomify this kind of image rather than have it as a panorama.
Scott Monument on a Winter Morning
On my way to work in the morning I often walk past the Scott Monument. Usually the guy who sells tickets to go up the monument is just opening up. Each time I think I’d like to go up but never do – until today. It was glorious I had…