On Monday I noticed that the exhibition cabinets in the foyer of the main science building were empty with a note saying the library (who coordinate the exhibitions) were taking a break before the next exhibit. I thought this was a opportunity for me to exhibit my Botanics People photos…
Tag: Photographic Portraiture
People @ Pedal On Parliament 2014
Had a lovely couple of hours doing the Pedal On Parliament ride today and took the opportunity to spend the time photographing people. Everyone was in a good mood and, although there were a few people who didn’t want their photos taken, most were up for it. I had a…
100 Portraits: Andy
Andy has worked at the botanics for over 25 years and is actually a lot more cheerful than he appears in this photo – but I like the shot. He was working with Norman on the organ donor memorial.
100 Portraits: Norman
Norman was working with Andy to build the National Organ Donor Memorial in the gardens. He is a drystane dyker by trade but many years ago he was a student at the botanics. A fascinating guy to talk to.
100 Portraits: Reuben
Finally got around to photographing Reuben. We had just been having a meeting about putting children’s drawings on line and generally sorting out the problems of the world. At the end of the chat Reuben stepped outside for a smoke and let me take his photo. He is tall so…
100 Portraits: Greg
Greg runs the education programs and is such a nice guy. We talked about work whilst he ate his lunch and took a couple of calls then sat quickly for a portrait. Multitasking whilst remaining totally unflappable. The sun has been shining but Greg’s office has a window that faces…
100 Portraits: Colin 2
Colin works in estates and although I walk past his office every day we have rarely spoken. I caught him “vaping” outside and he was very easy about having his photo taken. The light was picking up today so there is actually some shadow to use. Really annoyed that his…
100 Portraits: Martin
Martin runs the conifer conservation project and, as conifers don’t have flowers and are considered ‘lower’ plants he is located in the basement along with David. The windows are almost below ground level but provide just enough light through the foliage.
100 Portraits: David
David is one of our senior scientists who is just about to leave (partially retire?) to live abroad. He works on Diatoms which are considered ‘lower’ plants and so his office is in the basement. The sun had come out briefly and provided just enough light into the room.
100 Portraits: Colin
Number 63 in my series. Colin was very relaxed about coming to be photographed. The day was overcaste again I stood him by the window with the heating pipes behind. In another shot we had gone quite a way into the building but the light became too ghoulish.
100 Portraits: MarkW
I have known Mark for 25+ years so it is actually quite odd photographing him. The days continue to be overcaste and dull so light is very low contrast even using windows.
100 Portraits: Bhaskar
I think I have found myself a new studio. There is a staircase with a very tall window that I thought would give light too soft but if I move people up and down the stair I can change the lighting quite a bit. Check out the keylights in Bhaskar’s…
100 Portraits: Lorna
I had liked the light in Lorna’s office when I had been in for meetings but when I went in this time it was pretty dismal. I ended up getting her to stand on the window ledge (on the inside!) The next obstacle was that she kept laughing – maybe…
100 Portraits: Graham
The dreek weather and short days continue. This shot was taken at 1:10pm and that is a South facing window! I decided to use the interal lighting in the library rather than the window light and stood on a kick stool to try and get some light on Graham’s face….
100 Portraits: Elspeth
The light over the last week has been really rubbish. Although most of the shots I have been doing have been indoors it is surprising how dreek weather can also ruin the window light. I tried photographing Elspeth at her desk under artificial lights but the shots just weren’t working….
100 Portraits: David
David is leaving to work at another institute at the end of the month so was in a hurry to put things in order. I’m beginning to notice that when people feel rushed portraits don’t work so well but I’m really pleased with this one. You need to step outside…
100 Portraits: Stephan
I had warned Stephan I might catch him for a photo and he was very relaxed about it. He seems comfortable in his own skin. Stephan’s office is quite narrow with a massive North facing window so the contrast was low. This B&W conversion was done in Silver Efex. I…
100 Portraits: Louise
I was looking for David but found Louise – someone I had wanted to photograph but not warned yet. She has been getting into photography so was keen to be a victim. I dragged her away from her desk in a cluttered lab into the herbarium for a few minutes….
100 Portraits: Jimmy
I finally managed to get talking to Jimmy when he was free and I was free and the light was OK. We stepped outside to a covered area with soft light. Still a bit top heavy but not bad. I took about ten shots. There were two shots I liked,…
Goal setting is good – even when you ‘fail’
[column-group] [column][/column] [column][/column] [/column-group] These are two photographs from my series of 100 Portraits in 2013. Sheila, my mother-in-law, is 86 years old and Mary, her granddaughter, is 18. These were among 48 portraits I made in 2013. I failed to make it even half way to 100 portraits but…